Why migrate to Hong Kong through QMAS Visa?

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Hong Kong is one of the most captivating places as it attracts many people in its region to contribute to its continuous development. The reasons why so many individuals ardently come to Hong Kong are higher-income prospects, enhanced healthcare amenities, excellent professional growth, great living standards, and holistic quality of life, to name a few.

If you too are dreaming to immigrate to HongKong, then you must keep in mind to apply for the QMAS Visa as it will certainly prove to be a beneficial step for you to migrate to Hong Kong.

What is QMAS?

QMAS is short for the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme which basically aims at drawing highly-competent immigrants to help in the enduring growth of the country’s economy. These upcoming immigrants intend to reside in Hong Kong to search for a good job or business opportunities. A specific percentage of people gets the authority to bring along their spouse and dependent children with them under the condition of supporting them throughout in financial terms on their own resources.

Eligibility Criteria for QMAS

  • All the foreign nationals are eligible to apply for this very scheme except the nationals hailing from Vietnam, Nepal, Korea, Laos, Cuba, Cambodia, Albania, and Afghanistan.
  • Every applicant should meet the following requirements –
    • While applying for the scheme, the applicant must be 18 years of age or more.
    • The applicant must put forth the proof that they are capable to support or accommodate themselves as well as their dependents on their own financial resources without depending on any kind of public support in Hong Kong.
    • The applicant must not contain any kind of criminal record or any type of other unlawful records that are disadvantageous for you in Hong Kong and somewhere else.
    • The applicant must be proficient in writing and speaking either the English or Chinese (Cantonese or Putonghua) language.
    • The applicant must have a basic scholastic background which means at least possessing an Undergraduate Degree from an acknowledged University or a tertiary academic institution. In case, the applicant is devoid of any such document due to special circumstances, their documentary proof of decent technical qualifications, appropriate professional skills, accomplishments, and experiences will be taken into consideration.
  • The applicants who successfully meet all the above-mentioned requirements are also required to pass the point-based tests, be it General Point Test or Achievement-based Points Test.
    • In the General Points Test, there is five point-scoring factors with regard to age, age, educational qualification, work experience, family background and language proficiency.
    • The Achievement-based Points Test is aimed at the individuals who, with the help of their unique skill or talent, have acquired great accomplishments. This test only has a one-point-scoring factor of 165 points which will be provided only if –
      • The applicant has received an award for excellent achievement like Olympic medals, Nobel Prize, National or International Awards, etc.
      • The applicant can put on display that their work has been recognized by their peers or has notably contributed to the growth of their field such as lifetime achievement awards from their respective industry.


Why choose QMAS consultants?

All of the above points are easy to consider but when it comes to implementing them, being a layman, you might not be able to do everything all by yourself. Therefore, to avoid any kind of error during the Visa procedure, you must seek the help of one of the best QMAS visa consultants in Delhi. Being professional and highly-skilled, they are the ones who will assure that your whole QMAS Visa process is executed with absolute care and attentiveness.

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