Terms And Conditions-


We, at VFox, strive to provide wings to your aspirations by making every piece of information available on our website! In case you continue to leaf through and browsing the service at our website, you are bound by our Terms and Condition and are amenable to obey it. If you are not agreeable with any section of these terms and conditions, it is advisable to abstain from the usage of our website.


The term ‘us’ or ‘we’ here implies to the website’s proprietor, whose registered headquarters located at the Unit-12D, 12th Floor Gopala Tower Rajendra Place New Delhi, India. The word ‘you’ refers to the end-users or the visitors. The below terms should be considered while browsing the website:


The information or material of the given pages of this website is strictly for your general information, which can be changed in any circular whatsoever.

This usage of cookies is for evaluating the browsing choices of the guests. In case you are permitting the usage of cookies, we are likely to store these private data for usage of third parties:

  • Name and profile of job
  • Contact details such as email addresses.
  • Demographics essentials, including choices and likes, and postcode
  • Any other data concerning client studies and/or offers


We are stressing on the fact that neither VFox or any other third party, has been involved to assure you regarding correctness, completeness, suitability, performance, the suitability of the figures and materials found or presented here on this website for any particular object. You are agreed to the fact that such data and materials could have certain inaccuracies or errors. Although, we do not claim to take any responsibility for any such errors or inexactness.


Considering any information or resources on the given site is entirely at your own risk and thus, VFox, has not been entitled to any responsibilities. Adhering to cater to your particular needs, it shall be wholly your own accountability of relying on any product, services, or information.


Copies of materials on the site are strictly prohibited, except the notice of copyright, which establishes as a key component of the given terms and conditions. Although, the materials include is not constrained to the overall design, arrangement look, form, and illustrations.


Above all, all trademarks simulated in this site, which certainly not be the property of, or accredited to the person operating this are putative here on this site. Any sort of illegitimacy or illegal usage of this site may cause harm or can be treated as unlawful activity. While, in the rare case, we, at VFox, agreed to the fact that the website could be in charge of carrying certain other websites, however, it is for you to aid your ease by providing additional facts. But, it does not mean that we support or endorse any other websites, and we do not take accountability of any material published or linked on this site. Your usage of this website and any sort of disparity will be subjected to the Indian laws.


Also, any design of this website does not predict advisor-client or consultant-client association with the guest/reader/end-user. An advisor-client or consultant/client association is and will be conditional to a bond of commitment and inked between the two involved groups. All the terms and conditions of such an agreed contract of engagement for using the service presented by VFox is completely free of terms and conditions of the usage of the site. As the deal of engagement could be dissimilar, and vary from client to client, it is the job of the end-user/guest/reader to ask for a copy of the bond of engagement.


Any sort of relocation of copy or part or all of the contents, is strictly prohibited, and only applicable in below cases:

  • You can download the clippings into a home hard disk for your personal and non-monetary usage.
  • Although, it is permissible to copy the content from the individual third parties for personal usage, you should publically give credit to the website on the basis of the material.


Also, you are strictly prohibited to distribute or use the given material in a commercial manner. You also do not have the authorization to pass it on, or store the same to any other site, or any other type of electronic recovery organism.